Our preschool classes are Green, Red and Blue Groups. Their teachers are certified in preschool-age care.
Children are placed in groups by age. These classes follow a thematic curriculum and base lessons on developmentally appropriate practice.
Teachers encourage age appropriate social interactions and plan based on each child's individual needs.
Parent input is important to supporting each child's needs and is highly encouraged.
These classes work to support independence, self-help skills, social interactions and age appropriate learning with the understanding that children this age still need adult support and encouragement.
The children will participate in activities that include: language arts, math, science, social studies, art, music and movement, and using technology. They work in large groups, small groups, and independently. There is a high focus on independence and self-regulation in our preschool classrooms.
Children will be prepared to enter the kindergarten with a strong set of social, emotional, motor, and cognitive skills.